
Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Holiday vlog - Vlog 2 Day 2 / Christmas! - 3/2 more days!

    🙏Suksabai, talofa lava (english - greetings/hello) blog viewers! New post awaits!

Kia ora blog viewers! I am super hyped because it's almost Christmas, 3 more days! Can't wait for the present opening, the day and the family time. My family and I are gonna have a BBQ, go to the beach for Christmas. What are you going to do for this Christmas? Hope everyone has a great Christmas!

Haere ra and thank you. Merry Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. Talofa Lava Jin, this Elle from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Merry belated Christmas! I am so happy to hear that you were so excited to celebrate with family and opening presents!

    Did you have fun at the beach? What was your favourite thing that you ate at the barbecue? We had a barbecue by the beach too! I think it is the best way to spend Christmas, because you get to be out in the sunshine, and go swimming if it’s nice and warm. We went kayaking and had lots of yummy food!

    I like the photo that you’ve included too - it is very festive with Santa Claus putting presents under the tree. I like how mysterious it is too, because you can’t see Santa’s face!

    I hope you had an awesome Christmas Jin, and I look forward to seeing more of your blog posts!

    Ngā mihi,
    Elle (SLJ)


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