
Friday 7 September 2018

I believe I can fly

Once upon a time there was an old enjoyable man called Bob and his very talented 

boy called Max he was good at soccer. They were like best mates so Bob showed 

Max his tower he made when he's sad. The tower was rusty and not that stable. 

When they got up onto the tower Max was very worn out and Bob needed some 

help a little bit. Max saw clouds everywhere. Then Bob gave this magical wand 

to Max. It was magical from making this cool puffy cloud Max put the wand into 

a cut out top of a barre. Suddenly blew into it like it was a kiss in the air. Then 

Max tried it and nothing happened so Bob told Max to blow harder so Max did 

that and nothing happened again Max leaned on it and the wand broke so Max 

turned it into a star. Finally they Max made a dog and a rabbet.

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